Smelly Yeti Perfumery: Princess Jellyfish and Ponyo Reviews


During the first half of September, Smelly Yeti Perfumery brought back their previous Smell of the Month scents from the past year or so. Having already fallen in love with Ponyo when I received it in AFK’s Christmas in July Advent Calendar, I decided to go all in and purchase a full bottle. I also purchased a full size of Princess Jellyfish (I loved the anime too much to resist!).

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Innocent + Twisted Alchemy: Clearance Haul and Swatches


There was a clear-out sale for Innocent + Twisted Alchemy a while back, mainly due to the fact that the owner’s recipe files on her computer got corrupted–this meant that a LOT of shadows and cheek colors had to be discontinued ☹️. I managed to snag what I had my eye on for a while, and even bought back-ups for a few colors I really liked. On the plus side of things, some of these colors are actually still available in the shop! I’m super happy about this since I discovered some new favorites that I definitely need back-ups of!

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Sihaya and Company: Sisterhood of the Moon Autumn 2016 Seasonal Box


Sihaya and Co. began releasing seasonal boxes full of goods from indie companies during the beginning of this year and when I found out about the Autumn box, I dived right in and purchased one! This is an awesome way to get limited edition and exclusive products, plus you get to try and discover new indie companies you may never have heard of before.

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AFK Cosmetics: First (Actual) Haul and It’s All Pokémon TBH


AFK Cosmetics had a weekend clear out sale a while ago so I took it as an opportunity to buy some Pokémon themed things (though I didn’t buy all of them, just the ones that caught my eye) while also trying some products from the general catalogue. When I purchased these items, there were three separate collections: the Hittin’ the Gym collection, the Pokémon Go teams pressed highlighters trio, and the August Color of the Month duo. The ones that I purchased are all super great colors and I highly recommend them!

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AFK Cosmetics: Women of the Studio Ghibli Universe (and Howl!) Christmas in July 2016 Advent Calendar


AFK Cosmetics has two advent calendars per year, one in the summer and one during the holiday season. This advent calendar’s theme was centered around the women of the Studio Ghibli universe, with the inclusion of Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle as well (I can see why since he’s so stylish and elegant!). I’ve always been curious about this advent calendar, but never really wanted to buy one until I saw the theme for this summer; Studio Ghibli films are films that I grew up with and love dearly so I was super excited for this box!

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